Photo Album

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A new species of ancient crocodile has been found in Brazil

Just for illustration purposes

An ancient crocodile skull has been found in Brazil. It seems it is a new species called Pepesuchus deiseae, that lived between 99 - 65 million years ago.

Read more and see pictures here:

Beautiful comparative anatomy exhibits!

The Galerie de paléontologie et d’anatomie comparée in Paris has amazing comparative anatomy exhibits! Have a look at these amazing photos:

Makes you wish you were there, doesn't it?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

X-rays an archaeological tool?

Source: Commons

It would seem that X-ray beams can be used in archaeology, as they can reveal invisible features of artifacts. Pigment layers can be shown more clearly and even traces of tool use can be shown.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pteranodon bones found


Possible Fossilized bones of a Pteranodon has been found in Texas by a amateur fossil hunter. This specimen was toothless and larger than most birds, with a wing span between 3.6 to 4 meters. And it is said to be around 89 million years old from the Late Cretaceous.

Because only a damaged humerus was found its not really certain if it was a Pteranodon
"If it wasn't crushed so badly, it would be possible to determine if it really is Pteranodon," Myers said. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Funny Friday


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Want a Giant Megalodon Jaw?

Do you want your own massive Megalodon jaw? A giant Megalodon jaw is being auctioned off in June in Dallas. Bidding will start at $625,000.

The is 11 feet across and 8.5 feet high. Some of the teeth are over 7 feet long.

You can see more details and photos here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Giant Rabbit fossil found!

Just for interest sake :)
Source: Commons -

In Spain researchers have unearthed the fossil skeleton of a giant rabbit. It was found on the island of Minorca. It is said to have weighed 26.4 pounds and is between 3-5 million years old.

It was so big that it most likely lost its ability to hop.

Read more:
and here: 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Funny Friday


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The world’s oldest water may be three kilometers below South Africa

Underneath South Africa's Witwatersrand Basin ancient pockets of water have been discovered. 

 Source: Commons 

To determine how isolated the Witwatersrand's saline groundwaters are, researchers examined a specific type of the element neon dissolved in the waters, which are situated three kilometers below the surface and could date back millions of years. Says University of Toronto professor and study contributor Barbara Sherwood Lollar of the Witwatersrand groundwaters: (Source)

The chemical signatures also don't match those of ocean water or waters higher up in the Witwatersrand Basin, where as in most regions of the crust ground waters show evidence of mixing with surface waters and are extensively colonized by microorganisms [...] We concluded that the deeper waters were the product of isolation and extensive chemical interaction between water and rock over incredibly long geological time scales [...]
We know that this specific neon isotope signature was produced and trapped within the rock at least two billion years ago. We can still find it there today [...] The study shows some of the neon found its way outside of the rock minerals, gradually dissolving into, and accumulating in, fluids in crevices. This could only happen in waters that have indeed been cut off from the surface for extremely long time periods. (Source)
Lollar also noted that the life within the Witwatersrand crevices bear a resemblance to other microorganisms found at geothermally heated bodies of water: (Source)
Given that they have a genetic similarity to organisms found at hydrothermal vents, we assume this is not a separate origin of life, but instead these organisms arrived from elsewhere to colonize these rocks in ancient times [...] Clearly the long period of isolation affected their evolution. This is one area we hope to explore with continuing research with our microbiology colleagues. (Source)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Newlin Grist Mill seeks volunteers for archaeology dig

"Newlin Grist Mill is launching an exciting public archaeology program to discover evidence about the people who lived and worked at Newlin Grist Mill for more than three centuries.

Volunteers are needed to help with an archaeological excavation throughout the spring and summer to unearth evidence around the Miller’s House.

This project is in partnership with the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, Chapter 2.

The volunteer archaeology program kicks off with a class for interested volunteers, 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, March 19.

Volunteer archaeology days will be 10 a.m.-3 p.m., April 23, May 28, June 25, Aug. 20, Sept. 17 and Oct. 15.  Registration is required.  To register, contact Lauren Vitelli at 610-459-2359 or email

The Newlin Mill is at 219 S. Cheyney Road at Baltimore Pike."
Thought I'd pass this along. Source:

Monday, March 14, 2011

New addition to my family!

If you didn't know I love Crocs! And here is a new skull I obtained :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Funny Friday

Hahahah Internet Archaeologist

Love the timeline! And the photos!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Garden dig leads to a grave discovery


Pat Tiernan unearthed items up to 4,000 years old in his back garden afters he started work on a home extension. This is when he found the items and a skeleton. A team from the National Museum then stepped in and the finds will be preserved and analyzed at the museum.

Read more:
And here: